Monday, March 19, 2012

Effie and Haymitch

In Chapters 3 and 4, Katniss meets Effie Trinket and Haymitch, two individuals whose actions will greatly influence her survival in the Hunger Games. What are your impressions of these two people? Would you want your survival to depend on them? Are they trustworthy? What makes you respond this way? In your response, you may focus on both Effie and Haymitch or only one of them. Be sure you give specific details from the text that support your opinions.


  1. I think that Effie and Haymitch are nice and I guess you could say helpful but sometimes I don't think you could believe what they say. Maybe sometimes it could lead Katniss down the wrong road and make her mess up. I wouldn't want my survival to depend on them because if they mess up I could die. I would and would not trust them because sometimes they could trick you like Haymitch did in chapter 4 when he joked about them dying. I also predict that Katniss will believe something they say and then she will mess up in the Hunger Games when it offically start.

    Taylor W.

  2. I would not want my lives to be in their hands, because Haymitch is a drunk and they only got him to be sober because they had some good skills. He also can tell them how to act and has good stragedies so if he did get sober he would be someone to trust. I think they are not trustworthy because they don't actually care if I would die in the Games.
    Joel L

  3. If I were in Katniss's possition I would try my best to work with them but also try to teach myself, because as Joel said Haymitch is a drunk and Effie does not care much if one dies, she just wants a good show.
    Maria B

  4. I think that Haymitch is not very reliable and he is always drunk. It can be hard to depend on him for your survival because he is drunk and sometines doesn't know what he is doing. He can give good advice sometimes, but most of the time he is out of it, and he can't be relied on when he's drunk. He also can make them look bad by hanging around him and taking his advice.

    Ashleigh O.

  5. I agree with Maria, I think it would be best if I tryed to get along with them. It would give a better chance in the Hunger Games. Haymich is always drinking and can be misunderstood by his actions. He told them he would help them and stay sober for the games but we still are not sure if he is trustworthy. Effie is bossy and will not care if Katniss died. I wouldent trust her with my life.

    Jennifer K.

  6. I agree with both Joel and Ashleigh on why Haymitch should not be trusted. Katniss knows better not to trust Haymitch. He is always drunk whenever he meets someone or goes somewhere! You never know that when Haymitch can give her advice when he is drunk that might embarrass her. Munaf D.

    1. I agree with Munaf because Haymitch is drunk most of the time and cannot be trusted. In order for Haymitch to be one trusted is that he would have to be sober. Therefor Effie is the better one of the two because she has not been reported of being rude to any of the tributes. In a way Haymitch could be trusted because he has won the hunger games before for District 12.

      Aaron M.

  7. I think that Haymitch is not a reliable person to put your life in his hands. He's always getting drunk and vomiting. Like in the train when Peeta and Katniss were eating, he came in all drunk and threw up, but then he fell into it also. He doesn't seem trust worthy because he could get into alot of trouble by doing these things. I can't risk my life trusting him.

    Nimish U.

  8. i think effie and haymitch are not the best people to rely on. haymitch is always drunk and not in good shape. i think effie cares a little to much about her apperiance then other things. effie and haymitch are not in order and are not reliable.

    Jacob H.

  9. I think no because to be honest, I don’t trust either of them. Effile, isn’t even from district 12, she just represent them, but truly doesn’t really care for them. She is from the capitol and all she does is calls out the people’s names. But Haymitch, is a crazy, untrustworthy, drunk old man. He has some talents but aren’t used much. So truthfully I don’t trust or like either of these characters.

  10. I think that Haymitch is mor etrustable because he has won before. Even though he is drunk he can become sober so he can help them. THis way Katniss and Peeta will be helped by someone who has won before. The thing is if he is drunk then he wont really be a big help to them.

    Xavier L.

  11. i think that haymitch will be more dependable than effie because he won the hunger games. even though he is almost always appearing drunk he will most likely be a huge help to Katniss and Peeta

    Jake S

  12. Effie is a prissy, stuck up, snooty, good for nothing, old woman period. I believe Haymitch is DEFINATLY mor dependable because he sobers up and gets right down to buisness (mostly). Plus Haymitch makes me laugh my head of because he's always vomiting the heck all over the place and as drunk as a Salmon swimming in a barrel of wine. Hahahahaha Haymitch you never cease to mae me laugh or make Effie's nose curl in disgust. hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!

    Ryan "The Huckster" Huck

  13. He won't be that much of a help if he's puking. He wont help them if he's drunk. But if he's sober he'd be a good trainor. Effies just annoying.

    Jaron R

  14. Effie is just annoying and is no help to katniss but Haymitch will be a help because hes won the hunger games before and is still alive.

    1. The things that Effie taught them weren't even talked about while she was on the stage.

      Zachary Hildebrand

  15. I think Effie is a trustworthy person, but sometimes she just wants for it to be all about the fame.

  16. I think Effie can be a trustworthy person because she is suppost to take care of the districts. Even though they want them to fight to the death, she didn't come up with it. On the other hand, Haymitch is always drunk. I would not want my life to depend on him.

    Megan O.

  17. I think BOTH of them are trustworthy. On one hand, Effie may be a little of a stuck up, but also, she keeps everything on schedual and time. Also, Haymitch is a "drunken slob", but he has more excpeireince in the games than Katniss or Peeta. If Haymitch wasn't trustworthy, this would be one heck of a short book!

  18. The comment above (^) is Josi K.

  19. I would never put my life in ether of their hands. Haymitch is drunk all the time and he can not help her while he is drunk, but at lest he said he will stay sober. Effie really doesn't seem to care how they do and just wants a better district like Katniss said. The only time she can be helped by them is when Haymitch is sober enough to help her.

    Kevin N.

  20. I think Effie is weird annoying. she is weird because she has pink wig and she promotes the Hunger games as a postive experience when they are battleing for life on tv. she is annoying because she talks about peeta and katniss to much. Haymich is weird because hes not the nicest person and he gets drunk alot. This doesnt help peeta and katniss because hes survivel and they want advice to how they can win the games since he has had experience. no i wouldnt want my life to depend on them because there not useful for my survivel and they arent nice.
    Brandon D.

  21. I would never put my life in ether of their hands. Haymitch is drunk all the time and he can not help her while he is drunk, but at lest he said he will stay sober. Effie really doesn't seem to care how they do and just wants a better district like Katniss said. The only time she can be helped by them is when Haymitch is sober enough to help her.

  22. I think Effie and Haymitch will help Katniss and Peeta survive in different ways. Effie seems more to care about the looks and maners of the tributes so they will get sponsers and Haymitch seems to care more about them surviving then anything else.

    Maddie W.

  23. Well I think that I wouoldnt trust them because they seem a little paranoid. For example,Effie exspects the best out of everyone and Haymitch is always drunk so you cant really depend on him at all. Also they are from the Capitol where really no one trusts the Capitol so I wouldnt trust them at all.!!!!!1

    Saif Ali

  24. I think that Haymich and Effie are going to really help Katniss and Peeta to trying to survive the Hunger Games, but in the begginging Haymitch was no help at all because he was always too drunk. Effie just seemed like she cared about the looks but she said it would help get sponsers. Honeslty I would trust them to help me win the Hunger Games because around the end of part I Effie and Haymitch start getting things together with training and individual training to help work on their strengths.

    Kayle K.

  25. I think that Effie is always in a good mood. Haymitch is always drunk, grumpy, and doesn't really pay attention to anything. I think that I wouldn't have them depend on my survival, and maybe sometimes they would be trustworthy, if they are serious.
    Georgia S.
